We offers foreigners living in Slovakia the opportunity to take out health insurance.

You can find yourself in need of health care at any time


Special arrangements apply for Ukrainian citizens regarding health insurance in Slovakia. Download important information for citizens of Ukraine about all options for health insurance in Slovakia.

Union offers health insurance suitable for foreigners with (short or long) temporary residence in Slovakia when they cannot be insured in the Slovak public health insurance system.

Our insurance is accepted by the Foreign Police, i.e., it meets legislative requirements under Act No 404 on the residence of foreigners and amending certain acts.


Special arrangements apply for Ukrainian citizens regarding health insurance in Slovakia. Download important information for citizens of Ukraine about all options for health insurance in Slovakia.

Commercial health insurance is provided by Union poisťovňa, a.s.
Public health insurance is provided by Union zdravotná poisťovňa, a.s.

Public or commercial health insurance,
which do you need?

You must enrol for public health insurance if:

    • you are a foreigner* employed in Slovakia with an income equal to or greater than the minimum wage***, or
    • you are foreigner* who is self-employed****, in the territory of the Slovak Republic,
    • you are a child with at least one parent who has public health insurance in Slovakia,
    • you are a foreign student studying at a school in the Slovak Republic under an international agreement,
    • you are a pupil or student with the status of a Slovak living abroad studying at a school in the Slovak Republic.
    • you are a professional athlete paid to take part in sport for a sports organisation,
    • you have a child born in an EU country.

You should take out
commercial health insurance if:

Benefits of health insurance for foreigners


More than 500 contracted outpatient facilities, hospitals and clinics in Slovakia


Insurance is accepted by the Foreign Police


Comprehensive health care in Slovakia, including repatriation


Urgent health care in Schengen countries


Non-stop assistance service covering Schengen countries


More than 500 contracted
outpatient facilities, hospitals and clinics in Slovakia

Insurance is accepted
by the Foreign Police
Comprehensive health care
in Slovakia,
including repatriation
Urgent health care
in Schengen countries
assistance service
covering Schengen countries

Choose from our range

health care

SAFETY health insurance for foreigners provides a full range of health care services comparable to that offered by the public health insurance system in Slovakia.

  • You are spending more than three months in Slovakia
  • You perform work or sports activity in Slovakia*
  • You have a pre-existing or chronic illness*
  • You are pregnant*
  * If you have an existing or chronic illness, or you are an active athlete or a pregnant woman, it is not possible to complete the insurance process online. To take out insurance, please complete this health questionnaire and visit one of our contact points in person.
  • Outpatient health care from contracted doctors
  • Hospital health care
  • Emergency medical treatment
  • Medicines and medical supplies prescribed by a physician
  • Diagnostic and therapeutic procedures prescribed by an attending physician
  • Dental treatment for the effects of an injury or for pain relief
  • Transport of a patient by ambulance or the air rescue service
  • Dispensary care for chronic illnesses
  • Check ups, rehabilitation, spa treatment
  • Preventive examinations where the insurance period is at least 6 months
  • The insurance company covers health care costs up to € 70,000
  • Coverage for pregnancy amounts to € 17,000
  • The insured amount for dental treatment is € 300 with a per-claim limit of € 100
  • If it is necessary to transport the patient or their physical remains (repatriation), the insurance company will pay costs up to € 20,000

If you have any existing conditions or a chronic illness, if you participate in sports or you are pregnant, you must complete a health questionnaire before taking out insurance and we will be pleased to arrange insurance when you visit one of our contact points.

health care

SIMPLE health insurance for foreigners covers necessary treatment for injuries or sudden illness, health care to avert a threat to life or health or treatment for acute pain.

  • You do not have health problems at the time of taking out insurance
  • You do not need health insurance related to pregnancy or childbirth
  • You do not need coverage for health care related to work or sports activities
  • You plan only a short stay in Slovakia
  • Outpatient health care
  • Hospital health care
  • Emergency medical treatment
  • Medicines and medical supplies prescribed by a physician
  • Dental treatment for acute pain
  • Transport of a patient by ambulance or the air rescue service
  • The insurance company covers health care costs up to € 70,000
  • If it is necessary to transport the patient or their physical remains (repatriation), the insurance company will pay costs up to € 20,000

If you have any existing conditions or a chronic illness, if you participate in sports or you are pregnant, you must complete a health questionnaire before taking out insurance and we will be pleased to arrange insurance when you visit one of our contact points.

Leave us your contact information and we will call you

We will be happy to help you choose and take out the health insurance you need. Leave us your contact information and we will call you.



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