Nové kontaktné miesto pre klientov vznikne už 7. 6. 2021, v budove našej centrály na Karadžičovej 10. Táto zmena prinesie pohodlnejší prístup autom a verejnou hromadnou dopravou pre zákazníkov, príjemné a moderné prostredie a efektívnejší kontakt kolegov novej pobočky a kolegov pôsobiacich v centrále.
Veríme, že táto zmena bude pozitívnym krokom v zlepšovaní kvality zákazníckych služieb a naši klienti budú mať s Unionom aj v tomto roku tú najlepšiu zákaznícku skúsenosť!
After many years of operation in Bratislava’s Old Town, a big change is coming – the branch on Laurinská Street will be closed effective as of 28th May 2021.
But we are happy to announce that new contact point for clients will be established in the building of our headquarters at Karadžičová 10. The branch will be open on 7th June 2021.
This change will bring more convenient access by car and public transport for customers, a pleasant and modern environment and more effective contact between colleagues from the new branch and colleagues working at headquarters.
We believe that this change will be a positive step in improving the quality of customer service and our clients will have the best customer experience with the Union this year as well!